I've enabled compounding. Why is my position still in my wallet?

Compounder.fi can compound without taking the position from your wallet.

Compounder.fi allows you to remain custodial

Your position stays in your wallet while compounding.

Compounding is enabled by approving your position to the compounder contracts. Compounder is given all the permissions just to compound your position, and nothing more. Because your position stays in your wallet, you may still:

  • Collect fees

  • Increase liquidity

  • Decrease liquidity

  • Burn your position

  • Transfer out your position (which will clear compounding permissions from compounder)

  • Unapprove/ approve to someone else your position (which will clear compounding permissions from compounder)

Anything that you could do previously, you may still do, since the position remains in your wallet even while compounding.

Last updated